Friday, March 25, 2011

Bucket List

I'm officially leaving in two to three months (date still to be decided, either June 2 or 26)!! There's still a lot I haven't done, so I'm gonna make a bucket list of everything I still want to do. I'll be editing it whenever I do something or want to add a new one.

*note: This is all stuff that I know is actually possible to do, so I guess it's more of a reminder list. Things like "go to Greece" and "find a French lover" (jk about that last one) I'm not going to put here because it's stuff I want to do but might not necessarily happen.

1. Go to Hammam
2. Jump into the lake
3. Musée des Beaux-Arts
4. Find alligator
5. Eat escargot
6. Order an Irish Coffee at one of the Irish pubs
7. Base sous-marine
8. Find a cute dress
9. Go to Sunday mass at St. André
10. Running on the quai
11. Sunday Marché des Chartrons on the quai
12. Bar à Vin
13. Contemporary art bus
14. Frisbee at Jardin Public
15. Attend a good concert
16. Beach with frenchies
17. Learn to make crêpes
18.  Babysit French kids
19. Go to a Girondin game
20. Donate blood
21. Piercing/Tattoo
22. CAPC
23. Perigeux
24. Oysters, encore
25. Marché St. Michel on Sunday
26. Used book store on Cours Victor Hugo
27. Contribute something in class
28. Go fishing
29. Cheval (Horse), encore
30. Frog legs
31. Dune du Pyla, encore
32. Exchange music with a frenchie

1 comment:

  1. Just tasted escargot for the first time last night! It was not bad...but it was also slathered in butter and who knows? The thought of it still skeeves me out but I wanted to be adventurous like my baby sister(-:
